OK guys I really need your help! I have all of my party stuff now so I am OFFICIALLY ready to throw you a party!! Its super easy!! I promise! All you have to do is invite your friends over to your house (maybe have a few apps and drinks for them) and I will do the rest! What happens is you find all your girlfriends who might be interested or maybe not interested they just might like to party... and I come over with my set up of Origami Owl Stuff! I bring necklaces to display and eventually I will have enough inventory that people can bring home stuff that day. But then I take down peoples orders of what they like and POOF all done and they should receive their locket and charms in just a matter of days! THE BEST PART FOR YOU IS.... depending on how well your party does... you get stuff for FREE!! Thats right I said FREE! Now who can deny that?! So please if you would like to host a party at your house EMAIL ME at Layne012@gmail.com.
I do realize not everyone can host a party but if you would like to order the hottest new item on the market go to www.layne.origamiowl.com and get yours now!!! Thanks a HOOT!!
Your Personal Designer
Layne DeGraaf
Yeah I want to host a party but within my budget. Actually my son’s birthday is coming and I will host a garden inspired party for him at the local garden event Venues in NYC. I have never hosted the DIY party but your tips are definitely going to be very helpful for me.